How to Connect


Newcomers Lunch:

If you are new to BCBC, we’d like to invite you to a special lunch immediately after our morning service. At this lunch you can get to know one of our pastors, learn more about BCBC, and ask any questions you may have. You can sign up by emailing us:


Church Membership:

“Membership” is a biblical term used to describe committed relationships that exist within a local church (1 Corinthians 12:27). When a person becomes a Christian, they become members of the body of Christ. As demonstrated in the Bible, that body is made visible in local churches.

Jesus himself instituted the local church as the primary means for Christian perseverance and growth. Through the church, we display the gospel as we love and serve one another.

If you’d like to learn more about church membership or Bangkok City Baptist Church, we invite you to sign up for our membership classes. In these classes we discuss who we are, what we believe, and how we seek to obey Jesus together.

You can sign up by emailing us:


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